Thursday, June 7, 2018

Lung Cancer

Smoking is by far the biggest preventable cause of cancer. Thanks to years of research, the links between smoking and cancer are now very clear. Smoking accounts for more than 1 in 4 UK cancer deaths, and 3 in 20 cancer cases.

The good news is that many of these deaths are preventable, by giving up smoking. Speak to your GP or pharmacist, or visit the NHS Smokefree (link is external) pages for free advice and support to give you the best possible chance of quitting. Which cancers are caused by smoking?

Chemicals in cigarette smoke enter our blood stream and can then affect the entire body. This is why smoking causes so many diseases, including at least 15 types of cancer, heart disease and various lung diseases.

Smoking causes around 7 in 10 lung cancer cases in the UK. Lung cancer survival is one of the lowest of all cancers, and is the most common cause of cancer death in the UK. Smoking also increases the risk of at least 14 other cancers including cancers of the mouth, pharynx (upper throat), nose and sinuses, larynx (voice box), oesophagus (gullet or food pipe), liver, pancreas, stomach, kidney, bowel, ovary, bladder, cervix, and some types of leukaemia Smoking could increase the risk of breast cancer, but any increase in risk is likely to be small.

What influences the risk of cancer from smoking? Smokers have a much higher risk of lung cancer than non-smokers, whatever type of cigarette they smoke. There’s no such thing as a safe way to use tobacco. Filters and low-tar cigarettes make little difference – your lung cancer risk is not lower compared to smokers of average cigarettes.

This may be because smokers tend to change the way they smoke in order to satisfy their nicotine craving, for example by taking bigger puffs or smoking more cigarettes. The more cigarettes you smoke a day, the higher your risk of cancer. If you aren’t able to quit completely, cutting down the number of cigarettes you smoke a day can be a good first step. Even light or social smoking can harm your health so keep trying to stop entirely.

Scientists have found that the number of years you spend smoking affects your cancer risk even more strongly than the number of cigarettes you smoke a day. For example, smoking one pack a day for 40 years is even more dangerous than smoking two packs a day for 20 years.

The serious damaging effects of smoking cannot be cancelled out by leading an otherwise healthy lifestyle, like keeping fit and eating healthily. The best way to reduce your risk is to give up smoking completely.


The campaign was all about making creating awareness among under  18 age kids, their parents, teachers, family members, friends to participate in the awareness work against the smoking the disease increasing each day by day. The main focus was on the pupils who are serious about that matter and we provide precise and basic information to them.

Many who become victim of smoking and cannot share their story due to throat cancer and voice box cancer. Smoking issue cannot be eliminated from society until People will not aware of its harm. Education and Media can play important role to end the Tabaco smoking.

We must educate children specially those who are under 18 age about the smoking affects and diseases. Encourage them to leave this habit rather punishing them.

Target Audience

We know where we can find our target audience so we manage plans to find out the most popular cafes in the city area to ask People point of view about smoking specially the teenagers. We chose the the café much known in the city (Chiniot Café) where we find out allot of youngsters smoking the cigrates and hookah.

 The reason behind this campaign is to aware the gathering of teenagers going to such cafes about harmful side effects of cigrates on their life. We want people to such as (Parents and Teachers) of these youngsters to understand about the lung cancer and mouth cancer cause by smoking. So they can overcome their panic situation by sharing the problems with trustworthy persons. The target audience is about 20-30 peoples the awareness provided them through broachers and pamphlets, website, official social media page, and awareness through face to face chat.

Why we chose café allot of People asked about it on our official campaign website. Because mostly youngsters enjoy their time with friends on café while making gossips. Almost every third person on café smoking cigrate so our task to reached the targeted audience for the campaign become more easy and effective to aware them about the harmful symptoms they face due to smoking cigrates and hookah.


We are five team members who held a campaign for tabaco smoking. Our targeted audience is the teenagers who mostly start smoke in a very young age. The obtain this habit from a bad company or mostly they think its fun to smoke but they are not aware of the damages tabaco smoking cause to their healthy body.